• Your Community Health - Kaydo – Ketheba (Walk Together)

    Reflect RAP - Named in collaboration between Your Community Health & Wurndjeri Woi Wurring Cultural Heritage.

    The large Circles represent the four important pillars coloured with Your Community Health's brand:

    Relationships Respect Opportunity Governance

    Around each pillar, there is ‘Rainbow’ dots. - Your Community Health ensures the representation of diversity & inclusion throughout the processes of the four pillars. Your Community Health ensures everybody has a seat at the table from all different cultures including the LGBTQIA community throughout their engagements in the RAP process and journey.

    The pathway to the pillars is boomerangs:

    These boomerangs are coloured in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flag colours. This symbolises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are leading the way through leadership of Your Community Health’s Reconciliation journey.

    The five Yarning Circles represent ‘Building Relationships’ which include:

    RAP Working Group MembersParticipation in External ActivitiesEngagement with local organisationsBuilding relationships with Community, Elders & Traditional Owner GroupsImprovement of employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development.

    The white detail in the background:

    Represents the magic of the Kaydo – Ketheba (Walk Together) RAP coming together embedded in culture. You can find Emu and Kangaroo prints throughout, which symbolise Your Community Health’s commitment to always moving forward in their Reconciliation journey.

  • 'Bubup' - Child

    The center of this piece is the main feature in which Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centre represents a ‘child-centered and play-based programs’. You’ll see a toddler on a swing to represent this. You’ll find to the top right of the centre piece, a dove, this is to represent that Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centres focus is to encourage freedom of expression and exploration. The four gum leaves surrounding the centerpiece represent the use of natural materials within Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centre and sustainability practices.
    There are four pathways leading to the strong principles of the Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centre.
    The top left-hand side is a child’s block, it represents building the foundations and resources of child-centered and play-based programs. You’ll find blue and white flowers around the circle which represents growth.
    The top right-hand side is a balloon that recognises the celebrations and promotions of a positive sense of self-belonging for the children, their families, and all stakeholders within the wider community. Butterflies can be found in light pink, symbolising freedom, and optimism.
    In the bottom right-hand corner is a book. The book is a representation of the team at Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centre working collaboratively, openly sharing their strengths, skills, experiences, and knowledge whilst always working in the best interest of the children and their families. The team encourages children to take risks, demonstrate agency and develop skills and dispositions for lifelong learning. You’ll find blue and white flowers around the circle which represents growth.

    In the bottom left-hand corner is a parent holding their child. This represents the strong partnerships Nagambie Preschool and Childcare Centre have with children and their families. It also represents that the team ensures that the environment is happy, and welcoming, with a sense of security and safety, whilst feeling supported. Butterflies can be found in light pink, symbolising freedom, and optimism.

    Throughout the painting, you’ll find earthy tones of green, blue, purple, and pink dotted circles which recognises the important work the workforce has been doing by educating children about the land & water, and the importance of respecting and acknowledging the country.
    You’ll also find throughout gushes of wind which is to symbolise self-awareness and the connection to land and mother earth.

    You’ll find two yarning circles top center and bottom center of the piece which symbolises community and stakeholder engagement. Two handprints hold each yarning circle which is a symbolisation of the discussions being held around childhood education. The handprints have been completed by my daughter, Grace Mongta - 4 years of age.

    The boomerangs are providing a protection layer for always ensuring child-centered play-based programs are at the heart of the centre's philosophy.

  • 'Wanggim' - Returning Boomerang

    Two centerpieces represent the Melbourne United basketball team. You'll see 3 handprints. The 2 handprints on the left- hand side are our children, Izaiah and Grace. The one handprint on the right-hand side is Tanika's. The handprints are a symbol of thank you from our children for providing us with VIP tickets to Melbourne United's first game in Melbourne for season 2022. The stadium was filled with electric vibes that were an unforgettable experience, which is what this art piece represents - The electric experience!

    The evening of the game was a beautiful sunset and the spring trees were blossoming throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. The pink cherry blossoms represent uniting with family and friends, whilst the white dandelions represent wisdom.

    The boomerangs are a representation of what goes around and comes around with 'returning boomerangs' - Wanggim. We thank you very much for the experience we had and gift you with this painting!

Commissioned pieces and collaborations are welcomed.

Please fill in the below contact form and give a brief outline of the story you want the painting to tell. Please provide, size of painting, canvas shape, colour requirements or any other specific details.

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